Daily Forecast Gemini 04-12


Gemini Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

The stubborn people around you might be able to get their way just because they’re so dogmatic, but don’t consider adopting their tactics. You know that it’s much easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar, so keep on being who you are, despite the fact the right now being cooperative doesn’t seem to be getting you anywhere. In time, you’ll be much better off. Sooner or later, people will realize that you deserve more attention.

Singles Lovescope

Do something today that helps you live a more active social life. Join a book club. Volunteer. Put work aside and get out there!

Couple Lovescope

An intense conversation tells you everything except what you actually want to know. Your communication style is meandering and off the beaten track, and guess what? So is your partner’s. Try again another day.


You learn something new every day. Some thought good times were here to stay, but even they have changed their opinion. Use this understanding to remind yourself that you’re part of a larger cycle.



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