Daily Forecast Virgo 06-08


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You’re all about close relationships right now, whether they’re romantic, family, or even work connections. Whether they prosper or slacken a bit depends mostly on your approach. The universe wants you to look at the boundary between self and other and recognize that it can be rather arbitrary. Think of others as you think of yourself today.

Singles Lovescope

You don’t have to know someone’s genealogy, blood type, childhood imaginary friends and complete educational history to spend time with them. You’ll fill in the gaps later — for now, a good conversation is enough.

Couple Lovescope

You and your partner need to find some weapons of mass distraction. You’ve been cooped up and working for far too long. The stars say to move it on out and have some fun, or else!


If yesterday didn’t go as planned, then you have a few riddles to figure out today. You may never crack these particular nuts, but just realizing that is worth years of therapy. Try to figure out this particular enigma.



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