Daily Forecast Sagittarius 07-14


Sagittarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Feeling confused about a decision you have to make? If you need more clarity in your thinking, you simply need to make time for it. As soon as you can, get a handle on your schedule and clear out an hour or two of free time. Once your time issues are settled, your vision will become much clearer and you may see that what you used to think were problems are really just intriguing new puzzles to solve. Before this day is over, you’ll know what tomorrow brings.

Singles Lovescope

Get your mind and body moving. Listen to an audiobook while you take a long walk. Ride your bike to an outdoor sculpture garden. Who knows? Along the way, you might just encounter a new romantic prospect!

Couple Lovescope

Go easy on that self-criticism. Just because you think you’re falling down on the job or in love doesn’t mean that others feel that way. If you continue with the negativity, your attitude could be self-fulfilling.


Facts are things you have no trouble digging up, while your feelings are unknowable. Or so they seem. Now calculating the numbers is becoming just as confusing a business. Perhaps your time is better spent looking inward.



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