Sagittarius Daily Forecast
Getting a little time to yourself will be extremely difficult today. You are the most popular person in the room, for one of many possible reasons. Since ignoring the external world will be pretty near impossible, you are better off giving in and socializing with the people who are clamoring for your attention. There will be plenty of time in the coming days to find the alone time you so desperately want right now. For now, enjoy the shared laughter of your old friends.
Your self-esteem gets a boost from some confidence-building positive energy, and just in the nick of time! Is someone you thought was out of your league interested in you?
Sometimes inspiration comes to you from surprising places. Today, a passage in a book you’re reading could resonate with you and give you insight you can apply to your relationship with your partner.
Being results-oriented means not always following your mood. Your feelings might not be ideal for what you have to do, but tackling it anyway is part of your philosophy of doing business.