Daily Forecast Aquarius 01-04


Aquarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

If you’ve been playing a flirtatious game with a certain sassy someone, be aware that it might come to a screeching halt today. You could find out that they aren’t exactly as available as you thought they were! It’s not worth your energy to chase after something you’ll never have. Turn your flirty energy toward somebody else. Lavish positive attention on them, and give them a reason to smile. Your heart is bigger than even you realize.

Singles Lovescope

Today, your desire to know what’s real and what’s fantasy is more important than ever. Keep in mind that facts can sometimes be stranger than fiction. Be willing to let go of the fantasy of what you think someone might be like when you discover their true nature.

Couple Lovescope

New adventures await you and your beloved. Venture into a different area and explore. Find new things to do together for a change of pace.


You might not have much of your own on your plate but that shouldn’t mean you have nothing to do. Help others with their plans and projects if you need a way to keep busy.


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