Daily Forecast Aquarius 01-05


Aquarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You’re not exactly known for recklessness, so you’re totally correct to feel a little worried about what might come out of today’s situation, especially because things have been so erratic lately. You don’t need to take your worries any further, though. Things are so unlike anything you have ever experienced before that it might be that your dreams are close to coming true!

Singles Lovescope

You may not be in the mood to do what anyone else wants to do, and just forcing yourself to go along with it doesn’t do anyone any favors. Strike out on your own for now.

Couple Lovescope

Strive to avoid conflict in your relationship now even if it means giving in when you think you’re right. Your honey may have other things on their mind today, so cut them some slack.


Whether your finances were hot or not lately, it’s time for some cold logic. The bottom line cannot be denied or avoided, no matter how hard you try to ignore it. Try to do your best by facing the calculator earlier in the day rather than later.


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