Daily Forecast Aquarius 01-07


Aquarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Your temper has been tempered, and you’re ready to listen to people whose opinions usually drive you up a wall. Instead of finding these people annoying or troublesome today, you’ll enjoy debating them and learning how they’ve come to their (in your opinion) illogical opinions. The two of you might still never find accord, but at least you’ll feel good that you’ve given them the respect they deserve. You’ve heard them out, and now you can move forward.

Singles Lovescope

Accept what you can’t change and change what you can. If you’re tired of your life, do something about it. Date more, date less, find a lover, get in a relationship, go snorkeling. Stop waiting for life to happen. You do have control.

Couple Lovescope

You’re distracted. It’s obvious to your partner, but they don’t want to pry. Instead of making them guess, say something. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to find they have the insight you need for clarity.


Not too much happening today. That’s just what you want — and what you need. Rest up for a busy day tomorrow, when your evening will be especially jam-packed, with sweetness and with necessary evils.


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