Aquarius Daily Forecast
Your energy flow looks nice and easy now. You’re perky when you need to be perky and mellow when cooler heads need to prevail. This is the perfect time to just relax and go with the flow because that flow can take you to some wonderful places. The day is yours to mess up. In other words, the less you try to control the people and events around you, the better everything will be. Trust the people around you to make the right choices because they most certainly will.
Trying something new sparks your brain and your heart. Getting in motion makes you more likely to stay in motion. And you’ll understand others in a most charming way now.
Watch your mouth! Impulsive words could fly out of you today. If you’re not careful, you could inadvertently start something you might not want to finish. Breathe deeply before you start talking.
As confusing as things may be now, some day they will all make perfect sense. Try to stay as organized as possible. That means paying attention to smaller details rather than large new projects.