Aquarius Daily Forecast
Even if you don’t quite know how to express your feelings to someone today, any kind of communication is going to be good communication. Get a conversation started — that’s all that really matters. Don’t worry that you’re not being clever enough, articulate enough or serious enough. The tone of your discussions will be organic — it will evolve in whatever way it needs to evolve. If you think too far ahead, you will keep yourself from speaking. And that is counterproductive.
It’s time to go beyond asking simple or obvious questions when it comes to getting to know someone. In fact, you don’t even have to ask questions. You can just take note of what they do and how they do it.
You’ve never been one to avoid hard work, and any relationship has its share of exactly that. Right now, however, it’s all about the rewards of good communication and sweet effort.
Fairness takes a beating today but it’s not down for the count just yet. Be sure you don’t let money work its dark spell on you. Doing the right thing is still your best decision, even if it’s hard on your wallet.