Aquarius Daily Forecast

Resist the urge to run around tidying everything up today. The messier things are, the more possibilities reside within them. If you just shove everything in a box, you might cut yourself off from some extremely important opportunities. Give yourself plenty of room to grow and expand today. Try a little stretching or yoga to keep your body flexible and work the same kind of magic on your mind!
If a scenario is presented to you today, the powers that be will expect you to find a solution. Don’t panic. Think the situation through, anticipate certain outcomes, then speak. Your answer will dazzle them.
Your passions may be overwhelming this morning, so don’t be too surprised if you decide to take the day off from real life. At some point tonight, that little voice in your head might make you pay the bills, though.
You’re finally getting organized — your spending, your checkbook, your credit card bills, even your thoughts. This is an unusually good time to tidy up all areas of your life, so move from one important task to another.