Aries Daily Forecast
Power is in the stars, and it’s a very malleable thing at the moment. Where you may expect roles to be set and rules to be put down in black and white, you might just find hard to interpret shades of gray and shaky boundaries. On the one hand, this kind of uncertainty and shifting is difficult to get a handle on. On the other, it means there are lots of opportunities to put yourself where you want to be and promote healthy change.
Focus on the body now. The whole mind/body/heart needs attention, but mostly the middle part. You can’t feel attractive if you’ve got a virus, and you don’t feel your best if you don’t get outside a little.
Even handling the check at a restaurant could turn into a sticky situation between the two of you. Avoid any financial entanglements by declaring a “buy nothing” day and enjoying what you already have.
Being bored leads to lazy feelings. Or is it the other way around? Either way, a shot in the arm is called for and you’ll get it in the form of unexpected money. Nothing like some extra cash in your pants pocket or a check in the mail to liven things up. Be sure to share that excited feeling.