Aries Daily Forecast
You should try to start moving yourself away from your emotions. It’s not that they aren’t important, it’s just that they aren’t helping you make the decisions you need to make. They’re distracting you from putting the right priorities together. Take a more logical and objective perspective. Get more focus, and you’ll be able to deal better with whatever goes on down the road. Reacting emotionally will only send you down a dead-end path.
Face time is vital when building any new relationship. Though you may have only gone on one date with this new person, you still should remember that electronic messages aren’t anywhere near as rewarding as the real thing.
The object of your affection can sometimes be a mystery. Rather than kick up a fuss, be grateful. Think how boring and routine your relationship would be if you knew absolutely everything about each other.
Go slower in your decision-making process. Don’t rush to put your hook in the same pond over and over again expecting to find a different type of fish. Try a new area, if not a new body of water altogether.