Aries Daily Forecast

Go ahead and dive right in to your latest obsessions, but try not to lose your grasp on reality! You need to create time for work and play. Devoting all your time to one or the other isn’t wise. If you think that it’s not fun to create balance in your life, you’re wrong. Not only is it fun, but it’s easy! First, try to schedule your time. Give an hour to work, an hour to play and soon enough you’ll be able to stop watching the clock. It will be second nature!
Remain faithful to your dreams today. Sometimes it seems like lowering your standards is the only way to get a date. Don’t do it! As long as your criteria are realistic, hold out for the best. You deserve it.
When your partner criticizes your latest endeavor, don’t take it so personally. No one wants you to succeed more than they do. These comments are meant to be constructive, not destructive.
There’s good news and bad news. The economy has slowed down and so should consumption. That’s good for the waist line but not the bottom line, so dwell on the positive.