Aries Daily Forecast

Sometimes you’re unaware that things are happening while they’re happening. It’s only in looking back that you see what was really going on. But today you need to be extra vigilant about being in the moment. Try to keep your emotional sensors turned to high today or you could miss out on some exciting opportunities. Or, even worse, you might believe in a few people or things that appear to be something they’re not. You can always see the truth if you look hard enough.
Too many thoughts are clouding your judgment. It can help to write it all down and take a hard look at your feelings. Nothing is set in stone. Change your mind until everything comes into focus.
Try an unusual approach to an old issue. If you and your sweetie find yourselves squabbling about taking the garbage out, resort to flipping a coin, rock-paper-scissors or a game of 20 questions to see who does it.
You have made it through radical financial conditions and you owe your emotional survival to your close family. Those who have stayed by you in thick and thin deserve a reward, and in this lifetime. A bit of acknowledgement is called for.