Aries Daily Forecast

You’re in a transitional period right now, which is giving you a heightened intuitive sense of who you can and can’t trust. It’s comforting to know that the people you want to care for are also the people who want to care for you. You’re in the right place in your life right now, and a silly coincidence will remind you of that fact later today. A choice you thought you’d regret seems to have been one of the best things you’ve ever done.
It’s a great time for online romance. Apply that extra creative energy that’s coming up from somewhere deep inside you to updating your profile and sending new messages. Take the initiative!
Listen very carefully right now, but keep your own counsel. Your partner is talking just to let off steam, and even the best advice will just slide right off them right now. Your understanding ear is help enough.
Life is a challenge. Even the state you’re in can be fun if you have the right attitude. Getting it can take some creativity but once you conjure it up, hold onto it for the duration.