Daily Forecast Pisces 04-09


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Your first impulse might be to say exactly what’s on your mind now, and that could be the best thing. On the other hand, if there’s any way you can count to ten before you reply, that might not be a bad idea either. Being sure of what you say before you say it is a good thing, as is making sure you don’t hurt anyone’s feelings without meaning to, and you’d never want to do that.

Singles Lovescope

A friend who is begging for romantic advice may not actually want to hear what you need to tell them. Be gentle and frame any criticism positively. Just listening might be best of all.

Couple Lovescope

Get ready to launch your relationship to a whole new level. The love you feel for your partner will continue to grow and become stronger. What’s next is all up to you!


You have more control over your finances than you give yourself credit for. Feeling like a ship adrift at sea is simply a habit, not your only option. The bottom line is ultimately up to you.



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