Aries Daily Forecast

As you travel down the road of life, don’t lose sight of your destination. Distractions abound, and it could seem like a harmless thing to take a detour for a while, but don’t get off the track you’re on! No matter what tantalizing or rewarding invitations you get, you have to stay on your mission today. You simply can’t afford to be pushed off your route. Grab the wheel tighter and remember that the faster you get there, the bigger your reward.
Watch for frustration from others today. Your usual wit won’t diffuse a tense situation. Let people speak their mind without offering a joke or quick fix solution. Sometimes remaining silent does wonders.
Your relationship isn’t going to flourish all by itself. Right now it might take some extra discipline to focus on your feelings and promote the growth of your bond, but it’s absolutely worth it.
Now that you’ve had some time for thought, you can see that most things in your life are not really as foreign as they first seemed. Yep, the shock is starting to wear off. Welcome to the new normal.