Aries Daily Forecast

You’re feeling bright and jovial inside, and it’s definitely showing on the outside today. Confidence is sexy, and yours is catching more than one person’s eye. A lot more attention could be paid to you from a multitude of different sources today. Are you ready for it? When compliments come flooding your way, you need to play it cool and be gracious. Don’t let it go to your head!
Is there a potential hottie in your social circle, someone rough around the edges? Think about snapping them up before someone else beats you to it. It could be that all they need is a little attention to really start shining.
You and your partner just can’t get enough of that sweet loving. Hugs, kisses, affectionate caresses. Part of the joy of being in a couple is being demonstrative. Just keep it PG when you’re in public!
It’s the wrong time to start new projects, unless it’s to tidy up. If you get organized, be sure to include balancing your checkbook as part of your plan.