Aries Daily Forecast

Don’t worry about this romantic roll you’re on coming to a close. It’s really just getting started. And it’s not going to be strictly the romance that will be devastatingly good. You have luck coming at you in all categories. That goes double for finances, by the way, so if you’re in the mood to spend a bit more on an extravagance, go right ahead. A new outfit, maybe?
If you snag a date with the person you and every one of your friends has been crushed out on for months, for goodness’ sake, go ahead and tell them. But don’t be a braggart!
The two of you need to talk about money, which is never much fun. The topic might not be a big deal, but bring it up anyway even if your partner doesn’t.
Stress is bringing a bit of paranoia to the surface. You might be better off with it buried. But while it’s in the light of day, remind yourself that it’s just you. Those around you are not really plotting against you after all.