Aries Daily Forecast

You will be surrounded by masculine energy today, and you will find it inspiring. The competition hasn’t started yet, but you are focused on putting yourself in a good position to be the victor. Watching aggressive activity and fierce athletic abilities will be like watching a beautiful ballet. Get ready to understand a bright new side of the men you care most about.
Today, you may be sidetracked thanks to a new cutie in the vicinity. Try to stay focused on the task at hand or you’ll never get it done. Once you’ve met your deadline, feel free to flirt with abandon.
Your partner may turn to you for advice on a personal matter today. Don’t worry about having just the right answers. What they really want is for you to speak from your heart.
Whether money is like a carrot on a stick or attracting you like a magnet is merely a matter of semantics. What’s clear is that you can’t help but pursue this particular object of your desire. It might be time to stage your own intervention.