Aries Daily Forecast

Cast your critical eye on all your relationships today at work, in your family, and especially in your romantic life. There’s nothing wrong. You just need to check in and make sure you’re doing your part to keep the lines of communication open. Watch that you don’t get too hard on yourself (as you are sometimes prone to do) if you’ve been a bit unavailable lately. Remember to treat yourself with the same gentle compassion you show to your friends and family.
Say yes to an invitation, a crazy scheme, and pretty much anything anyone asks you. The power of positivity can get your heart right where you want it to be in record time.
When it comes to your partnership, be a uniter, not a divider. While you prize your independence, don’t go so far as to shut out your significant other when they try to reach out to you.
Go someplace where you can feel like a pig in mud, where your impulse buys won’t break the bank. You know just which dollar bin has your name on it. Go ahead, get caught up in the heat of the moment.