Cancer Daily Forecast

It’s only natural to want to listen to others reminisce about the past right now, but try to focus on the future. There is a world of opportunities out there for you, so how are you going to spend the next twelve months uncovering each and every one of them? Sit down in a quiet place and write yourself a letter to be read a year from now. List what you want the year to bring, and don’t forget to compliment yourself on the year that has passed.
Maybe you’re not usually into gambling, but today it looks like you’re betting with your heart as collateral. Try talking to a wise friend for some sage advice.
A relationship can be a battlefield, but laying down arms can actually prompt your so-called “opponent” to do the same. Ease the tension by exercising some fun, flirty impulses instead.
Do you really have to know who you’re dealing with? Not unless money is involved. As long as you’re not hurting anyone, let yourself be intoxicated by your own projected version of others.