Cancer Daily Forecast

Arguments are inconvenient things. They create delays in progress, they create hurt feelings, and they create distraction. If you’re in the middle of a conflict with someone today, ask yourself who is benefiting. Is someone on the outside affecting your thinking or even fanning the flames of this fire? Focus on who you have issues with, and speak to them directly. Don’t go through a third party. They will only confuse the issue. Don’t add more noise to the discussion.
You’re quite empathetic right now, which means you’ve got a real knack for looking into hearts and minds and understanding exactly what you see there. Make the most of it when it comes to your love life!
You and your partner should set your alarm clocks to go off early today, because you aren’t going to want to sleep through any part of this totally funday!
You’re not the only one who appreciates a good buy. There’s plenty of competition out there these days. So if you can’t snatch up a good sale, then look for some free art. Now there’s a deal.