Cancer Daily Forecast

You’ve been on an intellectual and emotional roller coaster for a while now. You’re definitely ready for some good, old-fashioned recreation with no strings attached, no duties or responsibilities, and no need to stand out in a crowd. Enjoy it. And if you’re in the mood to stay in and snuggle, you won’t have a problem talking your sweetheart into joining you.
Everyone around you seems to be getting their heart broken lately. Protect yourself from bad love prospects by checking their love history on social media. You gotta do what you gotta do.
Invite your friends to join you and your partner for a fun night out. Being with a lively crowd will help you to leave the drama of your work life behind and start enjoying the good times.
It’s the wrong time to ask for an advance on a project. You don’t need to prove yourself, the profit does. So resign yourself to putting in the hard work before tasting even a penny’s worth of the rewards.