Daily Forecast Cancer 02-05


Cancer Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

A major emotional payoff is coming to you soon. It looks like you’re going to be able to crack that nut of a person. You’ll finally get them to show you their real personality. All you need to do is schedule a night out, maybe for a nice dinner. Good food and kindness can create the perfect environment for good communication, not to mention the handy fact that they won’t be able to run off if the conversation starts to get too real.

Singles Lovescope

Extremes could be dangerous today, and your reactions are likely to be out on the fringes, with reality probably lying somewhere in between. Give yourself time to ponder before you share your feelings.

Couple Lovescope

Make sure the two of you see eye to eye when it comes to the way you look at money. It’ll save a lot of potential problems if you can come to an understanding about financial matters now.


Everyone may listen to your ideas at a dinner party but that doesn’t mean they have any intention of following through with what they say. Don’t mistake a polite nod of the head with a commitment, especially of money.


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