Cancer Daily Forecast

There could be an awful lot of distractions around you today. Some will be fun, but some could be annoying, like a complaining co-worker or hyperactive friend. But you can have fun no matter what happens, so don’t let it worry you. All you need to do is keep a positive attitude and stay flexible. That way, you can get through the negative stuff quickly and have more time for the entertaining stuff.
Plan for some soul-soothing time in your busy day. You’re liable to be extra emotional now, and finding a mellow middle ground will do your heart good. How about a nice soak in the tub?
A need to have the last word could develop into a nasty habit. If it sticks around much longer, it could become a serious impediment to this relationship. Nip this thing in the bud before it becomes an issue.
You have to work harder to make the same amount of money, but you’re having fun with it. Don’t let yourself get manic, but do put a good spin on getting a lot done.