Cancer Daily Forecast
As happy as you are to be going where you are going right now, not everyone is right there on the same page with you. While you must be aware of it and make adjustments accordingly, you don’t have to completely change your path. That will only cause resentment. Just tone things down a bit. Spend and act more modestly, and don’t be too outgoing with your energy. You could end up overwhelming those folks who still need some time to catch up with you.
You likely have enough on your plate dealing with various egos, including your own, in your social circle. If you get into any romantic situations, chill out and let the other person set the pace and tone for now.
It’s no secret a whole lot of the people you meet like you. A lot. You’re attractive on many levels. Make sure to remind your partner that they’re the one you like best of all.
Current projects have to be in the black or they need to hit the highway. There is no room for being idealistic. When it comes to balancing the books, all that matters is the bottom line. Keep your feelings out of it.