Cancer Daily Forecast

You’re reaching a crossroads in your life, and the path you should choose might not be terribly obvious right away. To help make your decision, just think about which direction offers you the least amount of resistance. Now is not the time to seek out conflict or challenges to your ideas, no matter how much they might make you stronger. You deserve a break from that type of energy … you deserve the easier path, so feel free to take it.
The more fun you have, the better you look. It’s a positive cycle. As a bonus, you can make almost anything fun. If you talk to someone who’s not quite right for love, you can at least make a friend.
It’s a good day to compare your dreams and ambitions with the reality of your relationship. You’ll need the clarity because things could get really interesting over the next few days.
Don’t brag about how well you weathered a situation, now that you know yourself. It’s better to let others continue thinking of you as the underdog. No one will be asking you for a loan anytime soon, that much you can count on. If you really want to help others, do it discretely.