Cancer Daily Forecast

Does it feel like Valentine’s Day even though it isn’t? Like hearts and flowers have disconnected from February 14 and traveled in time to get those lovey-dovey feelings flowing. Hey, it could be worse, especially if you consider the memories you’re probably still grinning about from that very occasion. Channel that mood and do something special for your partner. Who on earth would ever expect to receive flowers today?
Try not to corral your people even though you’re feeling quite organized. Your friends (and the hotties) are sure to resist the pressure. Just loosen up and let life flow on its own. Don’t be so firm with plans.
Figuring out what you want is task enough. Do you really have to take on the job of figuring out what your partner wants too? The answer is no! Not only does the job not pay enough, but you’re not even sure you applied. Talk it out.
The last thing you want to do today is organize. Whether it’s a family gathering, the kitchen drawers or your checkbook, disarray is the name of the game. The state of things will just have to prevail another day.