Cancer Daily Forecast

If you can’t find anything, it might be time for some heavy-duty closet cleaning. Holding onto things that don’t fit or that you haven’t worn in years just means there’s less space in your closet for a fresh start. Go ahead and do a big purge. Donate or sell anything that’s just adding unnecessary clutter to your life. Who knows? This little exercise might end up creating more room in other areas of your life as well.
A fairytale ending may take longer than you’d like to arrive, but you need to be patient. if you jump into something without thinking it through, it’s sure to be more trouble than it’s worth.
How can you two have a life if you spend your time worrying about what might happen in this relationship? Acknowledging your worries and then resolving to move forward, that’s the definition of courage.
Don’t beat yourself up for feeling cheap. You can give a flimsy excuse if you need one, but don’t let yourself participate in anything that is outside your budget. Some may get moody when you bow out, and that’s nothing you can’t handle.