Cancer Daily Forecast
You are committed to doing the right thing, but you might not know if you have the spiritual strength to see it through right now. You do, of course, but you might need to take a leap of faith. Having courage doesn’t mean being unafraid, but it does mean acknowledging the fear and doing what needs to be done anyway simply because you know it has to be done. Take a deep breath and jump into the breach.
Looking for love in the usual places to no avail? Taking a risk may do the trick. Go to a brand new hangout or agree to let your pals set you up on a blind date. Chance is on your side.
Today finds you feeling totally flirtatious. You won’t be able to look at your lover without finding something provocative to say. Once you start the game, they are sure to get caught up in it.
Achieving financial goals is still possible but it takes more strategic effort by the day. It’s time to start planning ahead. You may not consider yourself a visionary, but it’s never too late to learn a new trick or two.