Daily Forecast Capricorn 01-18


Capricorn Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

It’s time to try a new attitude or maybe an old one that fits you really well. Start looking forward enthusiastically with your awesome pioneering spirit. Your positive energy may start a ripple effect that spreads out all around you. One way to get things going is to stop thinking and take direct action. You never know how it’s going to go until you actually get going, so get hands-on!

Singles Lovescope

Don’t expect just any warm body to meet your emotional needs. It’s about finding the right person. But until that happens, fill your life with meaning. Volunteer, forge new relationships, and reach out to others. Surrounding yourself with people is the best way to stave off loneliness.

Couple Lovescope

If there’s a proverbial hatchet between the two of you, now’s the time to bury it. The stars favor reconciliation, so balance your sense of fairness and your ability to forgive.


Don’t bother being charming. Not because you can’t win people over, but because you don’t want to draw any extra attention to yourself. When it comes to all things financial, mum’s the word. Keep your poker face on.


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