Capricorn Daily Forecast

Someone emotionally close but physically distant is about to make contact, and you should be delighted to spend some time with them. You’re in such a wonderful mood that you can’t help but make everyone around you feel just as good — and it doesn’t matter if it’s because of a professional situation that’s turned out just right, a family matter that’s brought joy or just the random benevolence of the universe.
A conscious effort to be open-minded blossoms beautifully. Maybe you notice someone special in an unexpected place, or perhaps the world as a whole reveals a bit of the power of love to you. Yay!
Sometimes you look at your partner and marvel. This is miles away from what you said you wanted in a relationship, but face it, this situation suits both of you perfectly.
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but you’re not exactly a tiger, so don’t worry. Follow that feeling until you scratch the itch or find the pot of gold, whichever comes first.