Capricorn Daily Forecast

Why are you trying to be all things to all people? It’s admirable to want to help everyone, but it isn’t realistic to expect yourself to be able to do it. Instead, focus on doing the one or two things you can do today. Spend time with the few people you have time for. Not everyone can fit into your busy life right now, so don’t worry about saying no to someone who wants to see you. They’ll understand, just like you understood when they’re busy.
Someone cute may come across as less than warm today, but maybe they’re just more conservative about what they show off at first. You need to keep yourself from making any assumptions just yet.
You can indirectly get some great advice on relationships from your family. Just observe what goes on with them to see how you do or don’t want to repeat the same patterns with your partner.
If investment strategies geared toward the masses really worked, then the masses would be rich. That’s obviously not the case. Use some common sense when you’re on the receiving end of a sales pitch.