Daily Forecast Capricorn 03-24


Capricorn Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Everyone deserves equal rights, but a certain someone is looking to tip the scales in their favor. As much as you’d like to spotlight the common ground, others seem more focused on the differences. Remember that hotheaded thinking can lead to irrational acts. Events may already be spinning beyond your control, but they haven’t reached a panic state quite yet. If you aren’t able to control others, at least control yourself. You owe it to everyone around you to set an example.

Singles Lovescope

It’s a terrific, fun-filled day, if your personal energy has anything to do with it. Head out for a date or hang out with a friend — try a long lunch, a walk through the park or maybe something more exotic.

Couple Lovescope

Don’t send your relationship into a funk out of selfishness. Try to look at the big picture from each other’s perspective.


It’s more than just karma. As much as you want to put yourself first, you’ll ultimately get a bigger pay off if you regard the needs of others instead. Money is just the start.


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