Capricorn Daily Forecast

You’ve been very good at seeing to the group’s needs and putting those above your own lately, but are you going too far? You must keep the proper balance between time spent pursuing your own interests and time spent pursuing the interests of everyone else. If you’re always at the beck and call of other people, you could be sending a message that you’re more of a doormat than you actually are. Giving up what you want should never be your automatic reaction.
Matters of the heart may be a bit murky at the moment. If you want clarity, you’ll have to wait for things to settle a bit. Meanwhile, remain calm. You’ve got a tendency to take things a little personally now.
You and your partner have been looking for ways to expand your social horizons. Why not ask your neighbors over for dinner? Go to the movies with a new coworker. Join a neighborhood sports league.
You’ll be forced to spend time with people who work your nerves, with no friends in sight. Whether it’s a family gathering or a long ride on a Greyhound bus, you’ll be wishing you had a private jet and a pilot’s license.