Capricorn Daily Forecast

If you thought you were having fun before, prepare yourself, especially in the department of romance, your favorite. The heavens have arranged for someone from the past and someone who’s very much a part of your present to have a bit of a dispute going over who’ll spend time with you. What an awful dilemma. Does this mean you’ll once again be missing in action from your friends’ point of view? Maybe. Don’t let it go on for long, though.
Words and gestures fall on deaf ears and blind eyes when it comes to your perception of the world around you and the people in it. You’re interested in someone, but they don’t feel the same way. It’s time to accept this fact and move on. Don’t waste any more time pursuing a dead end.
Concentrate on projects already in the works before you start something new. If you need inspiration to finish, get your loved one on board to help you out.
Things are looking up but don’t let that mislead you. Overspending is as dangerous now as it was six months ago. A momentary lapse into old ways would cost you more than you can afford.