Capricorn Daily Forecast

Having fun seemed effortless when you were a little kid — everything was new and mysterious and fascinating! As you’ve gotten older it’s become tougher and tougher to find simple, easy enjoyment in the world, but today it will feel like you’re getting a new take on things. Suddenly there is wonderment in your heart, and things that you see will fill you with energy and curiosity. This is a temporary phase, so make the most of it. Go exploring as often as you can.
Your energy has been less than upbeat lately, and you could have something pretty serious to deal with in your love life today. A dear friend can help you get the right perspective, so ask for help.
Masculine energy is overpowering the feminine for the next couple days, and your romance is in for lots of action! Your budding relationship will take a decidedly energetic turn, and will you have fun!
If you feel like having a slow day, you can just blame it on the lazy vibe. But you know it has more to do with your subliminal issues bubbling to the surface. Toast your ability to know yourself.