Gemini Daily Forecast

When you give a compliment or positive feedback to someone today, be enthusiastic about it. Your laughter, applause, or cheerful encouraging words will be key in helping this person keep going down such a positive path. You’re filled with pride, and you should be. Plus, you can definitely take credit for part of their success. They know that and will always remember your kindness. Their gratitude will be conveyed to you in a simple but touching way.
Now that’s more like it. You’re back to your open-hearted, disarmingly charming self, and you’re attracting all the right cosmic energy. Now just put yourself around the right people.
Your overwhelming positive energy is going to help you instigate good change in your relationship. Your partner won’t be able to help but go along with them even if the adjustments seem bigger and bolder than usual.
You won’t accomplish anything today if you don’t surround yourself with people who see things the way you do. No one will take you seriously based on your ideas alone; they must already agree with your worldview. Don’t waste time on anyone not like-minded.