Gemini Daily Forecast

You might not know all the answers right now, but today everyone else seems to think you do! It must be your composed demeanor and take-charge attitude. You’re sending out an authoritative vibe. Don’t be too surprised if friends and co-workers are asking you which restaurant to go to, what they should do with their hair, or even which career path to take. It’s wisest to offer them encouragemen. Try to refrain from being too dogmatic in your advice.
Who knew that person at the office was so bright? Evidently your boss did. That’s why they were hired. You never know where this meeting of the minds could lead.
Karma works in your favor as long as your deeds are completed without any expectation of reward. Helping your partner without strings attached makes the biggest difference to you both.
Stay cool. Don’t let panic cloud your ability to be objective. If it helps you remain detached, know that you have friends who can help financially if the going gets any tougher.