Gemini Daily Forecast

Exotic travel beckons, with good reason. It’s a great time to simply enjoy yourself and indulge in a wildly hedonistic activity or two. It may not be possible to fly to Mexico at a moment’s notice, but it’s easy to get a good friend to go with you to a Mexican restaurant. Your openness improves your mind, body, and spirit in ways that could result in pleasant consequences later.
Heed your hunches and tune into your intuitions. The answer is there — it’s a matter of willingness. You absolutely know when a person is a terrible match for you. Instead of trying to make it work, end it immediately. Honesty is the best policy for keeping your side of the street clean.
While you can’t always expect to be number one in your partner’s life, don’t settle for spot number ten on the list of important people either. Find out where you rank and decide from there what’s next.
Food is a challenge for you — and not in the usual ways. You’re trying new things and learning how to dish up a delicious meal. The skills you learn in the next few days will translate well into the financial arena.