Gemini Daily Forecast

Someone has a few new ideas to share with you today, but will you have the time to listen? Try to slow down your normal routine long enough to hear people who don’t normally have enough power or influence to bend your ear. You are one of those rare people who don’t judge books by their covers! Today, keep that open mind, especially when someone says something that rubs you the wrong way. There is something there that’s worth investigating.
Try as you may, taking anything seriously, especially in matters of love, is impossible. How can someone keep a straight face around all that mushy stuff? Someone you know and admire shares your disdain for all things saccharine. It’s just a matter of time before you hook up.
Your significant other might offer some directions now. And while they mean well, it could make you impatient. Take a deep breath, thank them for their input, and say you want to try it your own way.
Thoughts of money have worked you into a state of high emotion, and rightly so. A calm day is just what the doctor ordered. Spend it at ease, and don’t take one look at your wallet, especially if it means opening it.