Gemini Daily Forecast

Underestimating people is almost always a mistake, and that’s especially true in your case. Why not stop being so hard on everybody else (and yourself) and give ’em a break? It’s all a matter of having expectations and managing them sensibly. For instance, if you expect to fail, very often that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. This time, why not expect much more from yourself and those dear to you?
Try not to hog the spotlight. Let everyone else express their views and thoughts, listen carefully with a sharp ear and read between the lines. When you pick up the emotional message, you foster a closer relationship with at least one new person.
Don’t be shy about making radical suggestions to your partner today. Chances are good their response will be positive. They may even surprise you and add some ideas of their own.
Helping others is good for your health, and could improve your finances. So if you’re just not sure how to get your life back in the black, try to be of service.