Gemini Daily Forecast
There is some exciting news coming your way, although it could wreak havoc with your carefully laid plans! That’s why it’s more important than ever for you to be flexible with your schedule. You also might need to convince other people to be more flexible in their expectations of you. Some deadlines or appointments might have to get shuffled around. Any stress that erupts will be minimal, though, so don’t worry about having a stressful day.
The more people you know, the better off you are right now. Connections, connections, connections — you can’t make enough of them. Opportunities will come quickly when you put yourself out there and make your intentions known.
You love a little competition, particularly right now. If there’s a game the two of you like to play, you might be surprised by the heat that’s generated when you get into it – and afterward!
If your money just isn’t growing, then maybe you need to put it in the right culture. If conditions aren’t just right, all the energy you focus on it will just be wasted. Consider yourself a scientist and put on your lab coat. The right medium for growing your green is crucial.