Gemini Daily Forecast
Don’t let any confusion you encounter today frustrate you. Instead, treat it as a valuable clue that’s pointing you toward changes you might need to make in your life. If a certain disorderly situation is making you feel confused, perhaps you need to get rid of some emotional clutter. Throw out the bad attitudes, negative feelings, and self-doubt you’ve been holding on to for too long. If your schedule is confusing you, maybe you should start paying more attention to being prompt.
Endless chatter from a crush could indicate a hidden issue. Some people use small talk as a defense mechanism when they’re nervous around someone new. Help put them at ease with one of your friendly smiles, and show them your warm-hearted nature.
Can you delegate a few of the details to your partner while you deal with the bigger picture? Later, you can coordinate your efforts. That way the two of you can play to your strengths and be more efficient to boot.
You have enough energy for two, but how long can you sustain it? If you maintain it until the end of the day it will be quite an accomplishment. A more likely scenario, though, involves the old crash and burn. Don’t let your money be too closely tied to your energy level.