Gemini Daily Forecast

The more extravagantly you spend right now, the less money you’ll have later. Your finances are finite, you know. If you want to keep dipping into the money well, then you need to keep putting more in there! Saving your money isn’t supposed to be fun, and right now it could hurt just a little bit. But by tightening your belt now, you’ll be able to loosen up later. You need to learn that delayed gratification can be much sweeter than the immediate kind.
Things you find trivial others may take seriously. Be careful what you mock. You could end up hurting someone’s feelings. Know your audience before you start wisecracking. No punch line is worth losing a friend.
Don’t let other people drag you down. You know your relationship is strong, and you have no reason to doubt that. If your friends are being negative about it, tune them out.
You’re stuck reminiscing about the days when everything seemed to fall into your lap. Things might not come with the same ease today, but that makes them seem that much more valuable. Appreciate the sweetness of your cold hard cash.