Leo Daily Forecast

If anyone is a homebody, it’s you. Your nest is cozy and comfy, and you love spending time in it. Needless to say, talking you into leaving home isn’t easy, even if it’s just for a weekend. At the moment, however, you’re in the mood to do a bit of traveling, probably to revisit some old stomping grounds. Go ahead. And see if you can’t take someone along with you, someone who’s heard all the stories about that particular place.
Forget about reality. That’s just depressing. The bedroom. Now that’s where it’s going on! Sexual energy abounds, so don’t be surprised to find your clothing (and someone else’s) tangled up on the floor. Just be safe. A romp in the hay can save your sanity!
Dragging matters out won’t help. Surrender to the universe and do everything within your power to move on. That means facing painful parts of your past and owning up to your personal responsibility.
You’re wondering about something, but being intellectually curious is only part of what is making you so restless. You’re willing to spend good money to get to the bottom of this particular mystery if that’s what it takes. And that is indeed what it takes.