Daily Forecast Leo 01-05


Leo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You don’t always have to plan ahead if you want to travel, especially right now, when your wanderlust has reached near epidemic proportions. Strike out on a little adventure when you get the time. You don’t have to dust off your passport and go to the airport in order to go somewhere cool. How about just checking out what’s up on the other side of town? Making a neat new discovery is easy when you’re as open to it as you are right now.

Singles Lovescope

The shoe seems to have migrated over to the other foot. Life or love has likely got a wild switch in store today. Do you freak out or take it all in calmly and just see where it leads you?

Couple Lovescope

If something seems off today, don’t ignore it. Doing a little research may save you and your partner a lot of trouble. You’ll be able to nip this problem in the bud if you keep on top of the situation.


You won’t get a lot done today unless you sweep your emotions out of the way first. Dealing with them directly won’t get you anywhere for once. Consider them money in a savings account and keep them strictly off limits.


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