Leo Daily Forecast
This day will be full of unique events that inspire your creativity. Write down your feelings in a letter to yourself, to someone you’re trying to get to know better, or to someone who’s getting on your last nerve. You have a wonderful way with words, and an eloquent letter could be just what’s needed to resolve a difficult situation. Your message will help clarify a path forward and illuminate the necessary next steps.
Are you looking for a way to get out of this current romantic situation? Fantasies of escape and upheaval are clues to your real state of mind. Figuring it out now should save you time and trouble.
You know what they say about problems. No, not that you should do everything in your power to pretend they don’t exist. If problems come up, you should sit your partner down and talk it over.
Strange, the less money you have, the more filled with romance you are. In fact, you’re bursting with passion for just about everything. You’ve found what really matters. Enjoy your new boundless energy and keep blocking out the pettiness.