Daily Forecast Leo 02-20


Leo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Oh, this is going to be fun. The world is finally in the same mood you’re always in, ready to let go, let loose, chat, and laugh, and you’ve got plenty of interesting invitations to extend and accept. One in particular may involve a long-distance friend or lover. Whether you’ll be doing the traveling or the entertaining won’t matter. You’ll have a terrific time.

Singles Lovescope

You have a way of making people instantly feel comfortable when they’re around you. Something about your easygoing charm just draws them right in! And once you have them hooked, you have no trouble keeping them interested.

Couple Lovescope

You thought this task would be a piece of cake, but now you think you’re in the soup. Ask for your partner’s help. Two heads are better than one now. Stick with ongoing projects. Big start-up plans are for later.


You’re not the only one being more thrifty and conservative than usual. If that means staying home with a movie, then you might as well invite over a crowd. Just make sure it’s BYOB.


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